
Guidelines for being a Phima reservation agent

Guidelines for being a Phima reservation agent


Tourism today

    1. Short introduction to how tourism works
    2. Mission and Vision of Phima Voyages
    3. Who are our clients ?
    4. Responsible and rural tourism


Reservations and telephone

    1. Reservation procedure including booking formula
    2. Professional phone – usage and procedure
    3. How to use Travelmaker to prepare your itinerary
    4. Paiement procedure
    5. Once the client has confirmed : voucher and other documents to be filled in
    6. Preparation of welcome letters and welcome presents for Phima Voyage clients (including Phima gourdes)
    7. Satisfactory request


Internal procedures

    1. Write your activities description with pictures and rates
    2. Calculate your rates
    3. Organise yourself in order to not get lost in your reservations : Emails, Computer, Trello
    4. Follow a reservation, confirm it, keep track of everything


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