
Museum Tumbas Reales

The Museum Tumbas Reales , also known as the “Museo del Señor Sipan”, was opened in 2002. It is located in Lambayeque, 15 minutes from the center of Chiclayo in the Lambayeque region on the north coast of Peru. There, in the middle of a rather insignifcant urban area is a red pyramid with a truncated Museum Tumbas Reales

The Chachapoya’s Raymi Llaqta

Chachapoya’s Raymi Llaqta  – the Festivities of the people After one week of agitation, the city of Chachapoyas regains its tranquillity this Monday morning. In fact, the annual festival of the Chachapoya’s Raymi Llaqta just finished with a traditional parade of the colourful communities of the Amazon region. This festival is the perfect opportunity for the forty The Chachapoya’s Raymi Llaqta

The funeral windows of Otuzco and Cumbayo, Cajamarca, Northern Peru

If you are interested in visiting what is known as the ventanillas de Otuzco or those of Cumbayo, this means that you are interested, in how the Cajamarca culture preserved its dead. In Chachapoyas, we have already spoken of Revash or Karajia, mausoleums and individuals sarcophagi tombs. Here we are visiting another culture, the Cajamarca culture. The funeral windows of Otuzco and Cumbayo, Cajamarca, Northern Peru

Quiocta and Vaquin: searching for lost fishes in the caves of Northern Peru

It was on invitation of our friend Stefan Ziemendorff that we went exploring caves. Stefan is the German explorer known as the “discoverer” of the famous waterfall of Gocta. Do you remember ? Gocta is one of the highest waterfalls in the world, located in the Amazonas region. So we decided, my boys and myself, to spend Quiocta and Vaquin: searching for lost fishes in the caves of Northern Peru