
The Mummy Museum of Leymebamba

Trip to Northern Peru

Article written by Mathilde Lombard, translated by Shirley Lopez Leymebamba, a small rural town in northern Peru, located a few hours from Chachapoyas, is not easily accessible. Arriving at its small but lovely Plaza de Armas, one wonders who decided to build a museum so distant from everywhere… But just as remote as it is, The Mummy Museum of Leymebamba

The Huamanpata Lake

Huamanpata Lake Northern Peru

We have already talked about the Huamanpata Lake, located near Rodriguez de Mendoza, in the Amazonas region in northern Peru, in October. The kids and I wanted to go back to the lagoon, but this time when it is filled with water. That was actually the first weekend of June. We left Chachapoyas at 6 The Huamanpata Lake

The Castle of Lamas

Lamas castle, San Martin

I already mentioned the village of Lamas, located a few kilometres outside of Tarapoto, in the San Martin region in northern Peru. Today I will talk more about the famous medieval Lamas castle, which you absolutely don’t expect to find here at all, in the Peruvian Amazon. Why a medieval castle in Lamas ? As you can imagine, The Castle of Lamas

The Spatule Tail Hummingbird

Spatuletail Colibri, Amazonas, Perou.

The spatule tail hummingbird is one of these incredible species that can represent an entire region. Seeing one of the famous spatule tail hummingbirds in the northern Amazonas region is definitely an art. On the Fernando Belaunde Terry road that leads east to the regions of San Martin, Moyobamba and Tarapoto, you can make a more instructive tour in The Spatule Tail Hummingbird

Peru, an expensive destination?

Peru is often described as a travel destination for comfortable budgets. Is this true? Peru, an immense country First, you have to locate Peru regarding its size and different climates. Peru spans more than 2,400 kilometres along the Pacific coast and it also has 5,500 kms of accumulated internal borders. Its surface is 2.5 times the size Peru, an expensive destination?