
Why being legal is so important !

Why being legal is so important ! Tourism is an industry with lots of informal agencies, drivers or guides. In many ways this is arranging employers and workers, but as a responsible travel agency, this is not what we want to support. Informality doesn’t give any social or health security to your employees. Remember that Why being legal is so important !

Sustainable and rural responsibility

Sustainable and rural responsibility Phima Voyages takes its engagement for sustainability very serious. As a travel agency, we believe it is our mission to create encounters between travelers and locals to make travelers discover Peru with all its facets and not only the archaeological sites. In that respect we propose to our clients unique trips Sustainable and rural responsibility

Mission and Vision of Phima Voyages

Mission and Vision of Phima Voyages   Who is Phima Voyages ? Phima Voyages is a local travel agency, created in March 2015 by a French-German couple and specialising in responsible and rural travel to Northern Peru. The north (less known than the south) offers an incredible biodiversity and exceptional archaeological treasures, whilst passing from Mission and Vision of Phima Voyages

Impressions of Kuelap

Ruins of round houses in Kuélap.

Kuelap, the Machu Picchu of Northern Peru! The fortress of Kuelap is situated in the Amazonas region in Northern Peru on a mountain top at 3 000 m altitude. This fortified city was built between 500 and 800 after JC by the Chachapoya civilization, that is also called the “Cloud Warriors”. Today Kuelap is often Impressions of Kuelap