
Terms of Sales

Please find below our Terms of Sales from Phima Voyages. We need the following information to process your trip reservation and confirmation. Be assured that all this information is strictly confidential. Phima Voyages never makes it public, except in exceptional cases, if the information is necessary to ensure your personal safety or health (as in case of allergies, dietary treatments or restrictions and medications).

Terms of Sales : How to make your reservation?

Once we have finalized your itinerary and you wish to book, we will send you our Booking document for you to fill in, as we need this information for the smooth process of your trip.

  • Start and end date of the benefit package tour
  • Full name (as written in the passport)
  • Nationality
  • Passport number (best is a copy of your passport)
  • Dietary restrictions
  • Drug restrictions
  • Allergies
  • Address, e-mail address, home and emergency telephone

The same document reconfirms the trip you confirm with the link to the detailed itinerary, what is included and the rate of the trip you book.

Booking Conditions and Payment – Terms of Sales

Once we have all your details, Phima Voyages sends you a payment link in order to confirm your trip.  

We require an initial 50% prepayment for all travel arrangements. Payments are made through our reservation system after sending the invoice. At least 35 days before the start of your trip with us, we ask you to pay the balance of the full amount. Please note that the price in USD prevails; if the exchange rate changes a lot, your balance may also change (if your currency is other than USD).

The costs for the domestic flight(s) should be paid 100% in advance, upon confirmation of your reservation (without this prepayment we can not proceed with the booking of your flight(s)). You can of course also book the domestic flight(s) on your own; in this case the prepayment does not apply. Please note that we can´t assist with any issues concerning flights that haven´t been booked by us.

Phima Voyages does not assume the bank charges for any payment made, please check directly with your bank for any applicable charges.


Each participant must comply with the regulations and laws of Peru (Passport, visa, vaccination record, additional documents…) for the entire duration of the trip, as well as respect the country’s customs procedures regulating the export of objects or illegal substances.

Failing these rules and in case the customer won’t be able to present the valid documents the day of departure or any delay will be of entire responsibility of the customer who will take care of all expenses occurred.

Terms of Sales – Cancellation Conditions

Phima Voyages reserves the right to cancel a trip in the following cases:

When the customer has not paid the total of the stay, 60 days before arrival. The prepayment won’t be reimbursed in this case.

In case of force majeure beyond our responsibility, but that prevent the organization of the trip (strikes, flight cancellations, weather conditions), we will try to propose alternatives for customers already in Peru. Phima Voyages will not cover any expenses incurred by a program change in cases of force majeure.

Phima Voyages may be forced to cancel or modify all or part of the stay in case of force majeure (strikes, political unrest, security problems). As this is independent of our will, Phima Voyages does not accept any responsibility for any modification or cancellation, however, will be the only judge for the participants safety.

If the customer cancels the trip, this must be in writing, and the passenger needs to explain the reason for the cancellation.

In the event of cancellation less than 60 days before the arrival date, the penalties are as follows:

  • More than 60 days: 30% of the trip price
  • Between 60 and 31 days: 50% of the travel price
  • Between 30 and 16 days: 75% of the travel price
  • Between 15 days and the arrival date: 100% of the travel price

Included services

Phima Voyages includes all services detailed in each of its programs.

Not included

  • Airport taxes (national or international)
  • Any national or international airfare not included within travels of Phima Voyages
  • All bus journeys not included in the program of Phima Voyages
  • Excess luggage rates
  • Visits and activities not included in the program
  • Alcoholic beverages and soft drinks
  • Meals not indicated in the program
  • Tips to drivers and guides
  • Laundry service
  • Travel insurance
  • Expenses incurred by foreign events in operation with Phima Voyages

Terms of Sales – Repatriation and travel insurance

We recommend paying your entire trip with your credit card since in most cases this includes repatriation insurance, travel or accident insurance. Please check with your bank.

Otherwise, we recommend to subscribe a travel insurance with our partner company Chapka Assurances. We will ask you to send us proof of your travel insurance, otherwise Phima Voyages declines any responsibility.


Each participant must be aware that there might be risks of all types, due to local conditions (remote medical centers, lack of communication, poor conditions of some infrastructure…) as well as popular activities. Understanding all this information, the customer takes his own responsibilities and can’t transfer any responsibility onto Phima Voyages and its guides.

If the circumstances require (climatic reasons or unforeseen events), Phima Voyages reserves the right to change means of transport, accommodation or routes. Dates and departure times may be subject to change and participants cannot claim any compensation.


Phima Voyages works with local partners and the participation of local communities, with a team and trained staff for the proper functioning of the programs. At the same time, Phima Voyages outsources hotel services, restaurants, airlines, public transport and other services. They have also been trained to meet the quality standards that Phima Voyages wants to give to its customers. However, these providers are independent, and we do not have direct control over them.

Therefore, Phima Voyages cannot assume any problem caused by these providers, such as loss of luggage, delays, damages, etc., but we will always be intermediaries in favor of our clients.

The payment of the reservation of our programs is the approval of the terms and conditions and covers all our services.

Rates and Exchange rates

Our prices are in U.S. dollars because this is the most used currency in Peruvian banks and the tourism sector. You can pay us in several currencies but the price in USD is always the base. What you pay may therefore change due to variations in the exchange rate, especially for your second payment.

Prices are based on Peru’s latest laws of Services Export, which means that you do not need to pay part of the sales taxes. For some trips, this can considerably lower the price. However, it is only valid if you stay in Peru less than 60 days, for which we need to deliver a copy of your passport to the peruvian Tax Authority (and a form with your Date of Entry, which we will print for you). Please make sure you send us the passport copy or photo before or during your trip: otherwise we will have to ask you to pay more sales taxes (Late Charge). If your entry date doesn’t match the first day of the itinerary we made for you, please inform us before booking. We need to know your exact Date of Entry.

Other important information

As a traveller, you also have the obligation to inform us previously about any medical condition that might affect a correct implementation of your itinerary. If anything happens along the way, Phima Voyages will not be held liable or responsible. We will assist where possible, of course.

You will receive all the necessary information for your trip digitally from one of us, around two weeks before departure. This will be an updated version of this travel itinerary with pick-up times, names of guides, etc. We don’t issue vouchers: that won’t be necessary. Any questions; let us know!

Complaints procedure

If during your trip you encounter a problem, we encourage you to write to us directly in the Whatsapp group. Our team on site will immediately take care of your problem.

After your return, you receive a satisfaction survey from us which is quite detailed. We are very grateful for taking the time to fill in the various sections, as your comments help us to improve continuously.

If you wish to make a complaint after your trip, please send us a mail to and describe your dissatisfaction in detail.

“In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code, this establishment provides you with a Complaints Book. »

Write to us at giving us the following information:

  • First and last name
  • Passport number
  • Date of birth
  • Mail address
  • Phone number
  • Journey you took with us
  • Your claim or complaint in detail

We will then carry out an internal investigation with our local partners to find out what happened.

Once this internal procedure has been completed, we will come back to you with an explanation and an appropriate follow-up to your complaint.


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