
Luggage and clothing for your trip to Peru

A few recommendations in regards to luggage and clothing for your stay in Peru in regards to the climate. Take your time to read through all of it and don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. It is always good to be well prepared !


Peru is a country where you will travel a lot, so we recommend to travel light. Only bring the strictly minimum with you – a big travel bag or a big back pack with a smaller day back pack would be perfect. You can have your clothes washed regularly when you travel in the countryside, or even wash them yourself in a laundry facility in big cities.

Also keep in mind that you might buy souvenirs throughout your stay. This will increase the weight in your luggage, which might be a problem by taking the plane back. It is certainly a good thing to think about this in advance.

Luggage and Clothing

The climate in Peru is different in each region and can change every day. So it is important to be prepared in every case. You will have hot at the Coast, cold in the Andes. Luggage and clothing should be adapted to the climate.

As the climate is not very predictable, our recommendations are to bring the following equipment:

  • A back pack of 20 / 30 litres
  • Good hiking shoes
  • A hat or cap and sun glasses
  • A raincoat and warm clothes for the night
  • Short pants or removable pants
  • Bathing suit
  • Shirts of a material that lets pass perspiration
  • A fleece jacket, good socks not to get blisters
  • A wool cap for cool nights
  • A hot water bottle (don’t laugh, I’m serious)
  • Sunscreen and mosquito repellent
  • Personal medical treatments

Our special recommendation : always have some toilet paper with you in your luggage, or even better, on you.

In fact in Peru, outside of the cities, it is not always normal to have paper in the toilets. So prevention is better than cure. Also remember not to put your toilet paper in the bowl, but in the trash bin available to you.

Other important documents and items not to forget

  • Passport photocopies
  • Copies of your insurance certificate
  • Cash and credit card
  • Camera and binoculars
  • Notebook
  • One or more adapters for Peruvian electrical outlets

Adapter Peru

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