
Reservation Organisation

Organise your reservations

Once we receive a reservation request for your destination, please be aware that usually the client never takes the travel itinerary that we propose on our website, it is always customised and tailor-made, which means, you have to prepare the itinerary once again and also recalculate the pricing.

We will have a more detailed look at the reservation process below. First however, you will have to prepare different Phima Voyages documents with your name and details in order to be operational as soon as possible.


Getting started


You will get access to Phima Voyages’ travel itinerary program TravelmakerPro, which will make it easy to prepare nice itineraries. Once you have familiarised yourself with the program, you should prepare your profile with picture.

Any missing elements in the Travelmaker sections (such as hotels or new activities) can be easily added. Please add them directly in French and in English.

Once you have the different elements ready in the Travelmaker, you are ready to receive reservations !

For the detailed explanation of how to use Travelmaker, have a look here. – To be written


Letter templates

Please have a look at the different templates that we suggest you use for the first exchanges with the prospects. We propose several letters such as the

Presentation Letter – Il faut que j’écrive une pour qu’il s’adapte à une personne indépendante de nous, mais qui nous met en avance et parle aussi de nous.



As the Phima Voyages reservation agent, you will get access to our corporate Trello boards, where you will keep track of the reservations treated by you.

Learn more about How to use Trello in the reservation process.


Reservation process

Phima Voyages receives the clients request through the Phima Voyages website. We will acknowledge the message and pass it directly on to you, as our Phima Voyages reservation agent for your country.

It is very important to read the request attentively and to identify the needs of the client. A good idea is also to give the client a Skype call to know more about his needs and travel idea. For this first conversation, you might want to use a small questionnaire so that you don’t forget any essential question.

Download Questionnaire.


Getting in contact with the local agency, representative of Phima Voyages

Once you have identified the prospects needs and desired itinerary, you will have to contact the representative agency of Phima Voyages in your country so that they can come up with a rate proposal.

Make sure to indicate the following important information:

  • Name of the couple / the group
  • Number of people traveling
  • Approximate travel dates
  • Length of stay
  • Hotel category and room choice
  • Private or shared transportation
  • Private guide – which language
  • An idea of the budget, if possible

Once the representative comes back to you with the detailed information, you can prepare the final rate for the client. This rate has to include the Phima Voyages commission (which includes also your commission), but also the international payment fees of 5,5%.

Modele de cotizacion Template

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