
Train your local partners

Train your local partners

Setting up your set of local partners, be it homestays or activities around traditional customs is one of the main missions of Phima Voyages trips.

As representative of Phima Voyages in your country, you have special access to all our training material we have created and compiled so far. In this section you will find a detailed Training Manual of how to install activities and homestays in an interested community, how to motivate them, essential guidelines to be respected and overflowing into protection the environment, valuing women and maintaining local traditions.


Phima Training Manual

The Manual is a Powerpoint presentation that you could immediately use to work with a local community you have identified interested in the tourism development of their region.

In this Manual (which is in Spanish) you will find the following sections :

  • Módulo 1 : Recepción del cliente
  • Módulo 2 : Preparación antes de que llegue el cliente
  • Módulo 3 : Alimentación : comida y bebidas
  • Módulo 4 : Inclusión de las mujeres y los jóvenes
  • Módulo 5 : Actividades : Turismo sostenible/Medio Ambiente
  • Módulo 6 : Análisis de la necesidades del pueblo

Have a closer look ! Livret Turismo rural


Amiwasi – Training in Videos and downloadable check-lists and information

In 2018 we matched up with Village Monde, a Canadian NGO involved in responsible travel and community development to come up with Amiwasi, a training program for local communities and entrepreneurs.

You will find 8 videos (in Spanish, but they are also available in English and French) that you can share with your local partners around the different themes below. Each video comes with a downloadable Check-list and further information.

  • Beneficios del turismo en la comunidad
  • Inclusión de las mujeres y los jóvenes
  • Respeto y protección del medio ambiente
  • Autenticidad de las actividades turísticas
  • Hospitalidad y atención al cliente
  • Promoción de tu organización turística
  • Calidad y autenticidad del alojamiento
  • El poder del grupo

For detailed information, check-out the following page.

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