
How to use Trello in your Reservation Process

How to use Trello in your Reservation Process

As soon as you start working on a reservation request, you will enter into your Trello Reservations board.


Get started in Trello

Open your Trello Reservation Board.


You will create a new card in the first column for your potential customer.

The first column “To send proposal” is for potential customers with whom we had a first contact, but didn’t send any proposal off so far. Your card should say the following :

Name of the client, number of travelers, travel dates, approximate travel itinerary and budget if available.


From the first column, the card passes on to the other columns, depending on which week day you will send off the rate proposal and detailed itinerary to your client.

Count about 48 hours until you will get back to the client in order to make sure that he / she has well received your message and to check if he / she has any questions. The deadline of 48 hours is indicated in your Trello card with the date and you will put the card in the right week day.

Don’t wait longer than 48 hours without any reason (the client told you that he will be traveling for a week). Other agencies will contact the client and will get the trip instead of us.


Client responds

The client will most probably come back to you with comments, changes to be made in the itinerary. Everytime you are in contact with the client, you will keep track in your Trello card.

This could say for example :

  • 2 more days in Lima, asked for new rate proposal
  • Or it could also be that you don’t have any news, but you relaunch the client. So you just note “Relaunched this day”

Every time you change the deadline date, you move the card to the according week day, when you will relaunch the client the next time.

After 3 relaunches without any return, you cancel the card. Cancelled cards go into the “Cancelled in 2019” column at the end of your Reservations board.

Please write on the card why the client cancelled : Trip too expensive, changed destination, no news.


The client wants to confirm

Once you have had several back and forth with the client, he decides to confirm. 

You will have to prepare the Booking Confirmation sheet for the client and send it to him in case he has any questions. At the same time you ask the client to send you a copy of his passport.

When the client sends you the Booking Confirmation sheet back, Phima Voyages will send him the Payment Link.


Once the client has paid his deposit

It finally happened ! The cliens has paid the deposit and the reservation is now confirmed. BUT – that’s not the end of your reservation process !

You will have to send a confirmation email to the local agency in order for them to start reserving hotels and services.

It is now time to move the Trello card from Reservations to Confirmations 2019 (or 2020) and in the right month of reservation. At the same time, please update the reservation confirmation numbers on the month as well as the year.



Now you will put all the important information regarding your client and his trip in the upper part of his Trello card.

  • Email address of the client
  • Name of your local agency and at which date you confirmed to the agency !
  • International and domestic flight information
  • Any food allergy or other health issues that are important for the local agency to know
  • Any special events happening during the trip (anniversary, birthday)


You also attach the following documents to the Trello card:

  • Passport copies
  • The filled-out booking confirmation sheet
  • Your filled-in Cotizacion Template
  • The latest cotizacion sheet from the local agency


In order to share this confirmed reservation with Phima Voyages, you will then copy your reservation file into the Phima Voyages Drive and fill in the following Listings: (PREPARER LES LIENS)

  • Prepare the voucher right away in order to have it ready to be finalised and sent to the client 2 weeks before his arrival
  • Prepare the satisfactory survey for the end of the clients stay (it is so much easier to do it right away)
  • Enter the clients address detail into the Clients Listing
  • Fill in the rural impact sheet in the drive in order to keep track of our local impact
  • Add the reservation into the document “Reservations à venir”
  • Add the reservation into the Google Agenda

As soon as you have filled in the different documents, you also keep track of this in your Trello card ! It should then look like this :


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