
Our trips to Ecuador

Ecuador is the perfect place if you are interested in nature hikes. During your trip to Ecuador you will certainly go on a trek in the Andes. You will discover the “paramo”, these lunar, volcanic landscapes with in the background the peaks of snow-capped volcanoes. Hikes in the Ecuadorian Amazon will show you a whole different vegetation and a different biodiversity. To this are added the beaches of the Pacific Coast and the wonderful Galapagos Islands.

A second strong point are the encounters with the different peoples of Ecuador. Spend a few days in a community, follow them in their daily chores and learn about herbal remedies or cooking. These activities will make all the difference on your trip!

But durng your trip to Ecuador, let’s not forget the pre-Inca civilizations and the vestiges they left us. Interesting and fun museums await you.



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